Tenants & Neighbors 

Not all strategic conversations can be addressed and solved in one meeting. For instance, when addressing the task of visioning or creating a multi-year plan, usually, several meetings and conversations are needed to complete the task.

The Group Forward worked with New York City nonprofit Tenants & Neighbors to facilitate their strategic planning process over the course of four months. We designed and facilitated sessions that allowed Tenants & Neighbors to reflect, analyze and action plan, ultimately resulting in the drafting of a 10-year vision and a 5-year priority plan.

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By the end of the process, the organization not only had a clear path forward, but also had a concrete, actionable plan for moving along it.

“We hired The Group Forward to help facilitate key meetings for a strategic planning process from 2015-2016. This was by far the most successful strategic planning the organization has had in the past 20 years. With the help of The Group Forward, we were able to identify manageable goals that we have been able to execute with board, staff and members. Our facilitator was upbeat, creative and created a tailor made process that was essential to Tenants & Neighbors moving forward in our current organizational direction.” – Katie Goldstein, Executive Director of Tenants & Neighbors